

Posted by faith and leleth Monday, March 7, 2011 0 comments

1. I started blogging back in 2004, my sister was the one who encouraged me to open a blog. It was a totally new territory for me, but what inspired me to   go further with it was my love for writing; blogging gave me that avenue to really practice my writing skills and share my thoughts with people who i may or may not meet in my lifetime. 

2. I chose makeup as the main topic of my blog because it  has always been a passion. It was something that was familiar to me and I knew I could really share with people what I know. At the same time, I admire a lot of makeup gurus online and they were my real inspiration on why makeup is such a significant thing for me.

3. Write what you know and write with credibility. If you want to do blogging for a long time, be very cautious with what you write as well, especially when you are talking about other people. I always believe in the idea that if you have nothing good to say then keep what you have to say to yourself...^_^
--Ana Aviso <>

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Posted by faith and leleth 0 comments

After knowing such things with the interviewee, we conclude that there are still lots of things to know and to apply. It is indeed true that knowledge is not limited, not stoppable but is continuously learned. There are basic skills that should be considered in doing or making a blog. It’s not just about putting posts in it. It’s not just about beautifying it. It’s not just about applying templates, themes and just simply do a blog. It’s like a make up to put on, know it first if it’s match on you. Here, the interviewee teach us how to put ourselves on our creation, how to let visitors become our followers. It’s about putting ourselves into it. It’s about how interested the blogger is towards her blog. It’s about how she applies certain knowledge to catch followers’ attention again and again.

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Hello! I am a guest blogger. My name is Monica Lopez, author of MAD blog. I also blog about the latest in fashion, or at least the best beauty products created. When I was asked to be a guest blogger, I couldn't help but take the opportunity to share about my love for aloe vera.

What's not to love about aloe vera? Cleopatra seems to want to soak on it all the time. I am in love with aloe vera that I wish I had a tub poured with aloe vera extracts all the time. *laughs

But why go through all the trouble of finding aloe vera and have it sucked out from the plant when you can also get it from The Body Shop?

I have a very sensitive skin. Whenever I try on something new like a new body wash, sometimes the end result is not always great for my skin. I easily get rashes. But when I try products with aloe vera as the main ingredient, I don't feel any kind of sting because It's sort of hypoallergenic. Just like this Aloe Vera Body Butter from The Body Shop, Not only does it smoothen my skin, it gives that vibrant smell. Best of all, it's suitable for people with sensitive skin. Whatever products there are, as long as there is aloe vera used as one of the ingredients, I'd definitely be hooked.

-Monica L.

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            Aloe vera can be seen everywhere especially in the provinces where agriculture is very evident. In my hometown, this plant is commonly called as “sabila”. Today, “sabila” or aloe vera is getting rare in our place.
Ten years back when I was a child, I used to run very fast and play “Tumbang Preso” with my neighbors. I used to be very clumsy, naughty and lazy. As a result, I always have wounds and scratches on my knees one after the other. Good thing was that my grandmother loves to take care herbal plants. One of those was the sabila. When it comes to healing wounds, it served as our “go-to-plant”. When out into the wound, I could feel the coldness of it penetrating inside.   Afterwards, it would heal and cause no scar.
            Also, we use it as shampoo. It does not dry hair but makes it shinier.
            It has been a great help because instead of buying medicines, you can use sabila as an alternative source of treatment to wounds so as to shampoo your hair.

            It was been a great problem that I don’t discharge everyday. At first, I never treated it as a problem but I attended a talk once and there I found out that it’s not good. Discharging thrice or twice a day is a need because in that way, excess substances after digestion should go out from our body leaving us nutrients. How could I throw my waste out from my body daily? Someone recommended me to drink Aloe Vera Gel. It’s a juice that contains 88.66% aloe vera that cleanses the body inside out. So I did. Now, I am very happy everyday because I am able to discharge twice a day. I feel the difference before and now. I feel clean and safe. Thanks to Aloe Vera Gel!

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      Aloe Vera for Cancer/Tumors

In October of 92, my son, Stephen Huff, was diagnosed as having a very rare brain tumor, called meningioma. A craniotomy was performed in December to debulk this tumor. We were informed that early diagnosis and total removal of the tumor, as well as surrounding tissue, assures a happier prognosis. This was not to be our case. There was residual tumor left. These tumors continuously grow. There is no on and off switch that triggers them. Radiation can only slow their growth down, but for how long, no one can be sure. There is chemotherapy available for these tumors. My son has had no radiation, only a strong faith in the Lord, dietary changes, and herbs. In June, he started taking Aloe ‘as the Lord hath planted it’. He says he feels comfortable when he doesn’t get it on schedule. He craves it. He has had 3 M.R.I.’s since December of 92 – in February, May and July of 93. To date, there has been no re-growth of the tumor and his right eye, which is totally blind (since they removed part of his optic nerve), appears normal. After the operation, for months, it remained swollen. The doctors said it was from intracranial contents interfering with venous flow. Whatever was interfering it, isn’t now. You’d never know he had a brain tumor. ‘With men this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible’. Matthew 19:26
Madame M Huff

   Aloe Vera for Hiv+

Jim Lightinheart, HIV+ for 10 years, was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in 1990 and began a course of chemotherapy and experimental drugs. Facing the major challenge of this life-threatening disease and the poisons used to treat it, he committed himself to learning how to re-establish and sustain his health. He spent countless hours in medical libraries and in networking to research strategies for building his body’s ability to heal. Jim was a phenomenal success! His doctors were astounded as he maintained his weight throughout chemotherapy and required no hospitalization for complications. In spite of being one of the only two survivors from a group of approximately twelve undergoing the same treatment for lymphoma, physicians only conceded a casual glance at the materials that were literally saving his life.
Early on in his HIV infection, Jim made the personal choice not to use AZT, DDI, or DDC. His broad program of stress management techniques, personal balance, nutritional supplementations, vitamins, herbs and numerous other health measures have allowed his body to be strong enough to successfully fight lymphoma and prevent the progression on his HIV infection to ARC or AIDS. He has now added three ounces a day of whole leaf Aloe Vera concentrate to the measures he uses to keep his immune system strong…..
As recounted to the author by     Jim Lightinheart                  

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More tips on using Aloe Vera

Posted by faith and leleth 0 comments

·         In this blog entry, we will learn on how to take care of aloe vera plants.
·         We are familiar of processed products of aloe vera like food supplements and juice that could treat several ailments. Here, we will discover unprocessed aloe plant that could also be a source for treatment.
                                                                   Growing tips:

Ø  Aloe can be indoors and outdoors but it will turn brown in harsh sunlight, so plant in indirect sunlight.
Ø  Don’t use too much water because aloe vera plants store water in their leaves.
Ø  Allow water to run dry before watering it again.
Ø  If planting in a pot, make sure there is a drainage hole so the water can drain easily.

                           Using Aloe Vera for first aid treatments

Ø  Harvest leaves as you need. Choose those closest to the ground as they are the most mature and most potent.
Ø  Trim the thorny edges of the leaves. Then slice the leaf across its width, then the inner gooey gel is ready to be applied to the afflicted area. Use generously, it will be absorbed by the skin within several minutes.
Ø  After the gel from the first layer has ran dry, scratch with a clean knife to release more juice. Continue until there is nothing left but green skin.

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How to's in Blogging

Posted by faith and leleth Sunday, March 6, 2011 0 comments

I and my partner would admit that we are just new in blogging. Yes, we surf the net: facebook; twitter and other things but it never come across in our minds to make our personal blogs. Thanks to Comm. 4, we’re able to experience what blog is and how does it work.
                We’re not professionals but we will give you some tips on blogging.


1.     1.  First things first, you need to have an account in any of these three:;; There are still many websites where you can make your blog. I am just mentioning the common ones.

1.     2.  After having an account, you need to have a topic. Your topic could be anything under the sun, but preferably choose topics that interest you so that you will have fun updating your blog.
Photo credits:                                             

 3.   Your theme should coincide with your topic. Not necessarily that there should be pictures in your background, but you can add colors to emphasize your topic. Like the above sample, they used white and pink because their topic is all about fashion.
When you decide to have a plain background, make sure the way colors are played is appealing to the eyes. The first picture shown above is an example, it has plain background but the font style and font color is pleasing to the eyes.

 5      4. .Make sure that your navigation system is working. Navigation is very important because it guides your readers/visitors on where to go in your blog.


5. Now, you are ready to create your first blog entry. Make sure to summarize your entries so that readers won’t get bored reading your blog. Also make the columns narrower so that the eyes won’t get tired of reading.

6. Make sure to update your blog with new posts to gain your followers.

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