

Posted by faith and leleth Monday, March 7, 2011

      Aloe Vera for Cancer/Tumors

In October of 92, my son, Stephen Huff, was diagnosed as having a very rare brain tumor, called meningioma. A craniotomy was performed in December to debulk this tumor. We were informed that early diagnosis and total removal of the tumor, as well as surrounding tissue, assures a happier prognosis. This was not to be our case. There was residual tumor left. These tumors continuously grow. There is no on and off switch that triggers them. Radiation can only slow their growth down, but for how long, no one can be sure. There is chemotherapy available for these tumors. My son has had no radiation, only a strong faith in the Lord, dietary changes, and herbs. In June, he started taking Aloe ‘as the Lord hath planted it’. He says he feels comfortable when he doesn’t get it on schedule. He craves it. He has had 3 M.R.I.’s since December of 92 – in February, May and July of 93. To date, there has been no re-growth of the tumor and his right eye, which is totally blind (since they removed part of his optic nerve), appears normal. After the operation, for months, it remained swollen. The doctors said it was from intracranial contents interfering with venous flow. Whatever was interfering it, isn’t now. You’d never know he had a brain tumor. ‘With men this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible’. Matthew 19:26
Madame M Huff

   Aloe Vera for Hiv+

Jim Lightinheart, HIV+ for 10 years, was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in 1990 and began a course of chemotherapy and experimental drugs. Facing the major challenge of this life-threatening disease and the poisons used to treat it, he committed himself to learning how to re-establish and sustain his health. He spent countless hours in medical libraries and in networking to research strategies for building his body’s ability to heal. Jim was a phenomenal success! His doctors were astounded as he maintained his weight throughout chemotherapy and required no hospitalization for complications. In spite of being one of the only two survivors from a group of approximately twelve undergoing the same treatment for lymphoma, physicians only conceded a casual glance at the materials that were literally saving his life.
Early on in his HIV infection, Jim made the personal choice not to use AZT, DDI, or DDC. His broad program of stress management techniques, personal balance, nutritional supplementations, vitamins, herbs and numerous other health measures have allowed his body to be strong enough to successfully fight lymphoma and prevent the progression on his HIV infection to ARC or AIDS. He has now added three ounces a day of whole leaf Aloe Vera concentrate to the measures he uses to keep his immune system strong…..
As recounted to the author by     Jim Lightinheart                  


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