

Posted by faith and leleth Monday, March 7, 2011

1. I started blogging back in 2004, my sister was the one who encouraged me to open a blog. It was a totally new territory for me, but what inspired me to   go further with it was my love for writing; blogging gave me that avenue to really practice my writing skills and share my thoughts with people who i may or may not meet in my lifetime. 

2. I chose makeup as the main topic of my blog because it  has always been a passion. It was something that was familiar to me and I knew I could really share with people what I know. At the same time, I admire a lot of makeup gurus online and they were my real inspiration on why makeup is such a significant thing for me.

3. Write what you know and write with credibility. If you want to do blogging for a long time, be very cautious with what you write as well, especially when you are talking about other people. I always believe in the idea that if you have nothing good to say then keep what you have to say to yourself...^_^
--Ana Aviso <>


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